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St. Patrick’s Day Success

Thank you to the approximately 600 people who attended the Mass celebrating our patronal feast and to the many, many people who worked so hard to make the event possible!

Our Restoration Committee worked so hard to bring back this event after the pandemic and all of Cleveland deeply appreciates their hard work and dedication to this parish and this celebration. Thank you to Bishop Roger Gries, OSB and our many concelebrants, guests, musicians and liturgical ministers for the beautiful Mass! We thank our good God for the gorgeous weather we all enjoyed as well.

Raffle Winners

Congratulations to the winners of our St. Patrick’s Day Raffle!

$10,000 – Susan Hupp (seller: Dan Adams)
$2,500 – Rob Yurko (seller: Rita Lawry)
$1,000 – Alex Perez (seller: St. Pat’s Restoration Society)
$1,000 – John Hategan (seller: Eileen Curry)