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According to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are called to assist the priest or other ordinary ministers to ensure there are a “sufficient number of ministers of Holy Communion so that it may be distributed in a reverent and orderly manner.” For more details about this ministry, see the USCCB site.

To volunteer to serve as an Extraordinary Minister, please schedule a conference call with Julie Rittenhouse. She will provide an overview of this ministry. You can reach her at

Formal training is required. The training is twofold: official training through the Diocese of Cleveland Office of Worship and shadowing of other St. Patrick ministers for a predetermined time.

The current diocesan training schedule is located here.

The frequency of service ranges from once a month to every eight weeks. depending on personal preference and the specific Mass schedule. Assignments are emailed to ministers on a bi-annual basis. If a minister is not available for a scheduled Mass they are asked to secure a substitute.