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St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SVdP) is an international organization of lay Catholics dedicated to serving people in need. Local parish conferences are organized under diocesan councils. Both our parish conference and the diocesan SVdP operate programs on our campus.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges, SVdP is responding with some new approaches and procedures, while maintaining our long-established respect and love for the vulnerable. To reach us, call the rectory at 216-631-6872 x1 or email

Financial Help

For over 150 years, our own St. Patrick Parish Conference of SVdP has provided financial assistance to both parish members and neighborhood residents. Individuals or their case workers call 216-631-6872 x1 to schedule an appointment to discuss how we might help. At the appointment, clients must provide proof of ID and bill(s) or documentation of need, including landlord name and phone number.

Food Assistance

The food assistance initiatives of the St. Patrick Hunger Center are now managed by the SVdP Cleveland Diocesan Council. The Hunger Center is located at the west side door of the Club building (facing West 38th Street, between Bridge and Whitman Avenues).

  • Hot Meals: Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:00-6:00pm
    Call Harvey at 216-760-3338 with inquiries. On the first Tuesday of even months, St. Patrick steps up to feed our neighbors in need. We start cooking on Monday nights and complete cooking and preparation on Tuesday. We also help cover other days as needed. We welcome anyone interested in volunteering to set up or clean up. Contact Deacon Bill Merriman.
  • Food Pantry: 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesdays 9:30am-noon
    Basic non-perishable and perishable groceries are supplied by the Cleveland Food Bank and various freewill donors. Non-perishable items are distributed in pre-selected sealed boxes; there may be a minimal selection of perishable foods. Clients must provide photo ID and household composition along with proof of address. For information or to volunteer, contact Sandie at 440-364-2602.