Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Patrick Parish,
With the 5th Sunday of Lent now upon us, the gravitas of the season can be deeply felt for many. Our Lenten observances—especially if we’ve embraced a particular spiritual exercise or discipline—can seem to be testing patience or approaching a new threshold of tolerance. This is great—good work!
But what if you’re feeling a bit out of touch with the whole concept of Lent? Not hard to do, huh? Life just gets busy and and so many things demand our attention. Either way, the invitation remains the same: repent and believe in the Gospel.
If you showed up on time for Lent, I hope you’re growing in your discipleship; if you’re late at the table, I hope you know how pleased the Lord is to receive you now. With a couple of weeks to go before Easter, the invitation remains open and constant!
Please prepare yourself and your family members for Holy Week by marking down the dates and times of the liturgies and services, including times for Confession. And don’t forget to encourage your neighbors who are looking for a community to worship with at this sacred time of year.
As we approach the beautiful days of Holy Week, please join me in special prayer for Ben Flanders and Dan Kuszmaul who will be received into the Catholic Church at Easter. They will certainly both be a blessing to our parish family. We look forward to formally welcoming them to the parish.
Continue to pray for peace in Ukraine as the invasive actions of Russia continue. May the Immaculate Heart triumph over all evil!
In His Death and Resurrection,