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Trinity Sunday

Dear Friends and Parishioners,

Thanks to the many staff, parishioners, and friends who helped to plan and execute our special celebration for Fr Hollis, Deacon Bill Merriman, and Deacon Bill Staab.  So many folks expressed to me their appreciation for such a wonderful celebration for the entire parish community.  Thank you!

From June 8-18, I’ll be with a group from the Cleveland area on pilgrimage in Alpine Europe. The highlight of the pilgrimage is in Oberammergau, home to the world-famous Passion Play which began from a promise to God that they be spared any more deaths from the Black Plague in 1633.  Ever since then, this community commemorates the last days of Jesus’ earthly life.   In addition to daily Mass being offered for the parishes of Saint Patrick and Saint Malachi, I will pray for all of you during the play at the specific moment when Our Lord takes his last breath on the Cross.  I also bring with me the many intentions carried in your hearts.

As we celebrate Holy Trinity Sunday, let us praise the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit by every word spoken and with every act of charity.
Fr. Gurnick