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What is Blanket Sunday?

The 34th annual Blanket Sunday drive by the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Cleveland will kick off this weekend October 10 & 11, 2020. But you can donate anytime throughout the year!

Since 1986, SVdP Cleveland has purchased thousands of blankets and other items needed by the poor and disadvantaged with donations from local parishioners and the community. We then distribute them to homeless individuals, shelters and families in need before Northeast Ohio’s bitter winter temperatures arrive.

Help us “blanket” neighbors in warmth and compassion. Donate today.

You may follow this link to donate securely online. You can also write a check payable to “St. Vincent de Paul Society – Blanket Sunday” and drop donations in collection baskets as you leave church, leave them at the rectory front desk, or mail to:

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Blanket Sunday
1404 East 9th Street 3rd Floor
Cleveland, OH 44114