Dear Brothers and Sisters of Saint Patrick,
“Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.” This is the refrain from our responsorial psalm that we are sing in today’s liturgy. Joyfully we’re called to go out and witness to Christ who is Lord! How are we doing with this invitation – and command – from Jesus? How are we doing this daily? Have we given it much thought?
It’s that time of year when parishioners begin to see bulletin announcements about the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (aka RCIA).
This process, reclaimed after the Second Vatican Council, is the universal model for the Church to walk with those who are not yet baptized but are seeking to become Catholic (Catechumens). Another group of people closely associated with RCIA are those who are already baptized but may be exploring the possibility of full communion with the Catholic Church through Profession of Faith and receiving Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation (Candidates). Finally, another group of adults would be those who were baptized Catholic but had not received any formal catechesis (faith formation) since being baptized or since early childhood. While already Catholic, these individuals are seeking full communion by completing their preparation for First Eucharist and Confirmation.
I am personally aware of some of our friends and parishioners who identify with one of these groups – a spouse who is not Catholic, or even baptized, or maybe an adult couple who were both baptized but never received any formal instruction (catechesis) in the faith.
Perhaps YOU know someone in your life who is searching?
Allow me to take this opportunity to invite everyone of us to personally invite a family member, friend, or neighbor who may be waiting for an invitation to explore this possibility.
Studies and personal testimonies have repeatedly indicated that folks who think about becoming a member of the Catholic Church do so because they have a relationship with someone who is Catholic. They are especially encouraged when the encounter is with a joyful Catholic who shines with faith, hope, and charity.
Are YOU one of the Catholics who can inspire? Are YOU a joyful Catholic who attracts others to Christ?
For more information about RCIA and related topics, please contact our Catechetical Leader, Stephanie Pritts, or me. Our contact information is on the front cover of the bulletin and on the website.
So, have YOU thought of that one person who may be waiting for your invitation to consider the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults?
In Christ’s love,
Fr Gurnick