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Why Are You Catholic?

Dear Parishioners,

“Why are you Catholic?” 

We’ve probably been asked this question more than once over the years. In fact, we even may have asked ourselves this very question as we go through life! “Why AM I Catholic?”

So, what’s your response? Why are YOU Catholic?

For most of us, we’re Catholic because we were baptized as infants. For others, however, becoming a Catholic came later in life. Regardless of how we individually entered the Church, we can all agree that we became Catholic through relationships: parents, a spouse, baptism of one’s own child, a friend, a neighbor, etc.

The bottom line: someone introduced us to this community of faith because they loved us. Even surveys remind us of this reality. People are first introduced to the love and message of Jesus through the love and message of others.

Here’s another question: Have I recently helped others to discover the love and message of our Catholic faith? And if my answer is yes, how have I helped others do this?

Even in the midst of the coronavirus, or the political struggles, or social tensions how am called to be a living sign of hope and faith for others to witness Jesus’ unfaltering love and constant presence?

Missionary Discipleship calls us to examine these questions – and more – as we work together to proclaim God’s Kingdom.

Please be sure to mark your calendar this Lent as we enjoy some inspiring presentations on Building with Living Stones as Missionary Disciples.  These presentationsin-person or via livestreamare on Wednesdays during Lent, after the 5:30pm Mass in the church. Click here for more description and here for the schedule.

This is the beginning of what promises to be a journey of faith we take together over the next several months. 

Be assured of our continued prayers and blessings for you and your loved ones.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr Gurnick Signature