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Why are you troubled?

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? These words are found in today’s Gospel (Luke 24) as Jesus appeared in Jerusalem while the two who returned from Emmaus were telling them of their encounter. Like other post-resurrection scenes, there seems to always be something startling – even terrifying – about one’s initial encounter with the risen Lord. That is, until Jesus personalizes the encounter. For example, Jesus calls Mary by name in the garden and she recognizes him. Another example involves our friends from Emmaus who come to recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread. Even our dear Thomas comes to believe only after experiencing the risen Lord by touching his wounds and pierced side. Other encounters of the risen Lord are certainly similar to these. Recognition comes only when something personal occurs.

Today, we encounter the risen Lord in similar ways: holy scripture, sacraments, sound teaching, sacred assembly, and through works of mercy. Most of us come to recognize Christ through these experiences from early childhood and throughout our lives.

As we continue to celebrate this Easter Season, we begin our next phase of Building with Living Stones as Missionary Disciples. As we form small online reflection groups we invite you to register on our parish website: We thank our parishioners who will be serving as our small group leaders. It is our hope that you are able to join one of them at a time most convenient for you.

This parish-wide initiative offers an opportunity to share how we encounter the risen Lord at Saint Patrick and our call to accompany others. Please join us as we engage with prayer, reflection, and fellowship throughout the remaining Season of Easter.

Yours in the Risen Lord,

Fr. Gurnick