Our workgroups have presented their recommendations! By clicking on the title of each workgroup, you can view the two page handout that summarizes their research. To see what they presented as drafts on June 12th, click the video below. Questions, concerns, feedback, or comments can be sent to parishcollaboration44113@gmail.com.
On June 29th the groups finished their work and made their final recommendations to Fr. Gurnick. Over the next month he will be meeting with councils, leadership, and staff from both parishes to discuss the recommendations and prepare a proposal for our collaboration to be presented to Bishop Malesic. Please keep this process in your prayers.
Establish form, function, and process for communicating with parishioners regarding CSC process and parish life.
Staffing & Administration
Consider staffing needs for combined parish and offer suggested organizational structure and roles.
Parish Council
Evaluate existing council structure, roles, and responsibilities and propose evolution roadmap.
Finances & Budget
Form process to integrate books & budgets, preserving restricted funds. Identify duplicative spend.
Liturgy & Worship
Evaluate existing liturgical calendars and propose go-forward schedule, retaining certain individual customs.
Physical Plant & Facilities
Create strategy for optimizing usefulness and capital plans for the buildings on each campus.
Faith Formation & Spiritual Life
Evaluate existing faith formation programs and consider additional spiritual life program enhancements.
Ministries of Charity
Plan for ministries offered, administration of those ministries, and identify key stakeholders.