We have come to the next stage of our Building with Living Stones as Missionary Disciples campaign. If you missed any of the talks in this series, the links to them can be found below.
In the next stage we begin the process of parish discussion groups with some questions about moving forward. Four discussion sessions will focus on the themes of Encounter, Accompaniment, Community, and being Sent. For a sneak preview of the questions, look at pages 30-34 of the guide book HERE.
Click here to sign up for a discussion group!
First Talk – Miguel Chavez – What is the New Evangelization and who is called to evangelize?
Second Talk – Pattie Batchman – The call for renewal and conversion
Third Talk – Fr. Mark Latcovich – (first 10 minutes only, sorry) – Deepening our relationship with Christ: formation for discipleship
Fourth Talk – Miguel Chavez – Going Forward: Developing a pastoral plan for missionary discipleship