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Sign Up for Small Group Discussion

Throughout Lent, we had the opportunity hear four presentations on what it means to be a missionary disciple in today’s Church and world. If you weren’t able to join us for these inspiring talks, be sure to check them out HERE.

It’s Time for Conversation

During the Easter Season we invite parishioners to participate in conversations in small groups. Each small group will meet a total of four times (via Zoom) to reflect on specific areas of discipleship: Encounter, Accompany, Community, and Send. With the help of some basic guide questions, the leader for each group will facilitate conversation as we encourage participants to share their own experiences and to share thoughts about life at Saint Patrick Parish. Whether you’re new to our parish or a long-time veteran, we need to hear from you!

The Process is Simple

To register, please submit your first and second choices of the group/time you would like to join. Final assembly of groups will take about one week. You will receive an email with the questions used during each of the sessions. You’ll receive another email from your designated Group Leader who will invite you to all four meetings during the Easter Season. Each meeting is no longer than 60-75 minutes. It’s that simple! Summaries from each group will be forwarded to the pastoral staff and parish council as we use this information as part of our planning initiative for 2021-2022. We look forward to listening and discussing together!

To preview the questions, HERE is a link to the discussion book. They can be found in the Appendix (pages 30-34).