Second Friday of Advent, 11 December 2020
In today’s reflection, Waiting in Joyful Hope author Michelle Francl-Donnay reflects on Isaiah 48:17b and a hopeful exhortation from Walter Burghardt, SJ.
In the comments section below, share your own response to today’s scripture, Francl-Donnay’s reflection, or the accompanying meditation prompt.
The pandemic has made me slow down, stay at home, not run from one task to another, really have to plan each time I go out. It has allowed me to have time to reflect on these questions each day and the 25 days of Ignatian Spiritual gifts. I no longer take for granted attending Mass, the Eucharist, and relationships to family and friends. I cherish them all. I hope that the world changes because of the pandemic that we end up with a much more level playing field. We will see.
The readings today, for me, have little to do with pregnant possibilities. Rather, I hear God telling Israel that if only they would just listen to Him, they would live life in a state of grace. Jesus, too, admonishes His listeners- you are never satisfied: John looked and acted strange, so you wrote him off. I eat, drink, dance at weddings, like you, but am unacceptable because I socialize with sinners. Are you never going to be satisfied? I have spent years learning to be satisfied with what God puts in front of me. Some years it’s very easy- getting married, great jobs, good friends, travels, a healthy child. Other years were a challenge- caregiving that never seemed to end, economic challenges, spiritual dryness. What He has taught me is that my freedom comes in doing His will. He shows me the Way, and if- big if!- I follow willingly, I will live with grace and serenity. If I only pay Him lip service, half-heartedly dragging my feet, I will never be satisfied.