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Do you imitate the angels?

Third Tuesday of Advent, 15 December 2020

In today’s reflection, Waiting in Joyful Hope author Michelle Francl-Donnay reflects on Psalm 34:6, Alfred Delp, SJ, and inconspicuous angels.

In the comments section below, share your own response to today’s scripture, Francl-Donnay’s reflection, or the accompanying meditation prompt.

2 thoughts on “Do you imitate the angels?”

  1. I don’t know. I don’t really think much about angels. There is a voice within me that leads me to appreciate and be encouraging to others. I believe there are no coincidences that everything happens for a reason. I read the obituaries daily. This morning I noticed one and was not sure if I knew the person or not. So I read the whole thing. I am still not sure if I know the person but I discovered a beautiful quote from St. John Chrysostom. Today is the birthday of my niece by marriage’s mom. It is her first birthday in heaven. The quote which I shared with my niece is “Those we love and lose are no longer where they were before. They are now wherever we are.” It is also my deceased mom’s birthday. I believe I was gently led to that quote. Was it by the Holy Spirit or angels, I don’t know.

  2. There was a song in the early ‘70’s, “We May Never Pass This Way Again,” by Seals and Croft. It speaks of taking advantage of the here and now. Being quiet messengers for God means acting on those little promptings of the Spirit. Just like the two sons in today’s Gospel, it is easier to say, “Yes,” then do nothing, rationalizing away our pang of guilt. But, to reflect on that urge, and then do what was asked, even if we have verbally refused, that is being a quiet messenger. The Ignatian concept of detachment helps us act on the urge to be a quiet messenger. When we set aside whatever holds us back, God gives us the courage of the second son to change our minds.

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