Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord, 30 December 2020
In today’s reflection, Waiting in Joyful Hope author Michelle Francl-Donnay reflects on Psalm 96:9b-10a, today’s entrance antiphon, “The Wreck of the Deutschland,” and flashes of Light that do not blind.
In the comments section below, share your own response to today’s scripture, Francl-Donnay’s reflection, or the accompanying meditation prompt.
I see Light dawning in our Church with Pope Francis’s recent encyclical “Fratelli Tutti On Fraternity and Social Friendship”. I encourage everyone to read it. I wish I could summarize it but in no way would I do it justice. It is a light that guides my way.
I have been reflecting on the end of 2020 all day. All I hear from the media is how happy I should be that this year is over. The year may be over, but the pandemic, the deaths, the need for COVID protocols all remain. What has changed is that we know how to protect one another and we have a vaccine. Indeed, there is new light! But today’s readings have me looking up, not forward. Christ has come and shown us how to live joyfully! When I keep my eyes on the Son, I have more light than I know what to do with – or can express with better grammar. St. John’s letter echoes Anna- the prophecies are fulfilled. Life had not changed for them anymore than our lives will change Friday morning. But because of the Son, we have more than enough Light!