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Final Living Stones talk – March 24

Click HERE to watch this final talk in our Building with Living Stones as Missionary Disciples series. We welcome back Miguel Chavez, from the Diocese of Cleveland’s Office of Missionary Discipleship. Miguel’s talk is titled Going Forward: Developing a pastoral plan for missionary discipleship.

This is the fourth and final presentation offered during Lent. Go here for more information and the full schedule as well as to find access to the book our parish leadership is using as inspiration for this process. Following Miguel’s talk and after Easter we will begin the process of parish discussion groups with some questions about moving forward. For a sneak preview of the questions, look at pages 30-34 of the book mentioned above. A digital version is accessible through the red button on that page. Four discussion sessions will focus on the themes of Encounter, Accompaniment, Community, and being Sent. More information to come!

First Talk – Miguel Chavez – What is the New Evangelization and who is called to evangelize?

Second Talk – Pattie Batchman – The call for renewal and conversion

Third Talk – Fr. Mark Latcovich – (first 10 minutes only, sorry) – Deepening our relationship with Christ: formation for discipleship

Fourth Talk – Miguel Chavez – Going Forward: Developing a pastoral plan for missionary discipleship