Thursday after Epiphany, 7 January 2021
In today’s reflection, Waiting in Joyful Hope author Michelle Francl-Donnay reflects on Luke 4:18a, Saint John Chrysostom‘s views on golden vessels vs golden souls, and amazing alms.
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In the comments section below, share your own response to today’s scripture, Francl-Donnay’s reflection, or the accompanying meditation prompt.
Regarding my post from yesterday, that division in our country which needs to be addressed? Guess who needs to start the address? Me. I must reach out to my friends, many of whom, oddly, are on the opposite end of the political spectrum. This division, and its corresponding lack of dialogue, has created many of the problems mentioned in Francl-Donnay’s reflection: poverty, hunger, homelessness. Another problem she could not have foreseen is the pandemic, the utilitarian method of determining who lives and dies, and the uncoordinated administration of the vaccine. I am relieved knowing Jesus has come, but as St. Teresa of Avila reminds us, He has no hands or feet but mine. Time to get back to emailing my input to my elected officials, as a first step.