Advent at St. Patrick
There are many beautiful ways to celebrate the Season of Advent at St. Patrick Parish. Please consider taking home a copy of our Advent and Christmas Brochure pictured below. Copies are available at the doors of the church. Please note an error in the orginal document. Gaudete Sunday is celebrated…
Thank you for supporting #WeGiveCatholic!
THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR GENEROUS DONORS!! We raised $18,610!!! That’s 93% of our $20,000 goal! Can you help us reach the rest of the way? You can still donate through Faith Direct at membership.faithdirect.net/givenow/OH1032/57678Your donation will allow us to continue our growing ministries! We also congratulate the winners of our…
Thanksgiving Mass 9am at St. Malachi
We will have Mass together on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28th at 9:00am at St. Malachi. There is a light social after Mass in combination with the Back Door Ministry. This will be the only Mass of the day and both parish offices will be closed Nov. 28th and 29th. There will…
All Saints & Souls Days
Friday, November 1st we celebrate All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. We will have the following Masses: There is NO VIGIL MASS at either parish on Thursday, Oct. 31st. Saturday, November 2nd we celebrate All Souls Day Saint Patrick will host a special 8:30am Mass and Cemetery Visit After Mass, please join us for a short…