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Holy Week Schedule

Mar 26, 2021

We hope you can join us either in person or on our YouTube Channel. Masks and Social Distancing Still Required at all Parish Events! This pertains to everyone – whether vaccinated or not – with the exception of small children and other individuals with qualifying health issues.   The sanitizing of…

Final Living Stones talk – March 24

Final Living Stones talk – March 24

Mar 26, 2021

Click HERE to watch this final talk in our Building with Living Stones as Missionary Disciples series. We welcome back Miguel Chavez, from the Diocese of Cleveland’s Office of Missionary Discipleship. Miguel’s talk is titled Going Forward: Developing a pastoral plan for missionary discipleship. This is the fourth and final presentation offered…

Outdoor Stations? How do I read them?

Outdoor Stations? How do I read them?

Mar 18, 2021

What are those signs around our campus with blocks on them? How do I even read that? These are an outdoor way to walk the Stations of the Cross. Some smartphone cameras can read the codes and direct you to the website where the material is. If your camera doesn’t…

Third Living Stones talk – March 10

Third Living Stones talk – March 10

Mar 6, 2021

Wednesday, March 10, we will welcome Fr. Mark Latcovich,  Rector of Borromeo Seminary and Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology. Fr. Latcovich will speak on deepening our realtionship with Christ, and formation for discipleship. The talk will start after the 5:30pm mass and be livestreamed HERE. This is…