“Faithful Citizenship” lecture
The Institute of Catholic Studies at John Carroll University invites you to hear the lecture: “Faithful Citizenship: What Would Augustine Say? Reflections on the Upcoming Election,” given by Rev. James T. Bretzke, S.J., S.T.D, a professor of theology at John Carroll University. This lecture will be held virtually on Thursday, Oct. 29,…
Raffle and silent auction to benefit pro-life education
LifeWorks Ohio is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating children about the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Its annual Choose Life fundraiser benefits this pro-life education programming. This year, the raffle and silent auction are entirely online. As you ponder your Christmas shopping, take a look…
40 Days for Life
From Sept. 23 through Nov. 1, 40 Days for Life is an intentional, coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses. Forty days is a timeline God consistently uses throughout salvation history to…
Vibrant Faith program coming to St. Patrick Parish
National organization Vibrant Faith Ministries has acquired $1,000,000 in grant money, which is coming to our diocese for their Thriving Congregations project. The diocesan Office of Catechetical Formation and Education was asked to identify five parishes, each of which will work with a coach and a team of volunteers to…