What? No birthdays?
Our parish bulletin is still the place to go to read about upcoming birthdays. parishioners celebrating reception of the sacraments of baptism and matrimony. recent deaths. the weekly collection count. 50-50 winners. and similar information. If you forgot to pick up a paper copy after Mass, you can always read…
Welcome, Jesuit Volunteers
Join us in welcoming our new group of highly talented and dedicated members of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps at the 11:30am Mass on Sunday, September 27th: Danielle Boggs is from San Diego and is a recent graduate of Gonzaga University. She will be serving at Neighborhood Family Practice in Cleveland. Brittany D’Souza,…
Jubilee for the Earth: Gift of Water
Prayer Creator of all, stir in us the passion to share the living water of the gospel as we also protect and share the waters of your creation to nourish all creatures. Practice Find a comfortable place to rest near the water. In prayer, reflect on how God is present…
Support Catholic communication
Today, we take up the collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). Your support helps the CCC connect people to Christ in the United States and around the world through the internet, television, radio, and print media. Half the funds we collect remain here in the Diocese of Cleveland to…