Memorial of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, 4 January 2021
In today’s reflection, Waiting in Joyful Hope author Michelle Francl-Donnay reflects on Matthew 4:17, the poetry of Marilyn Nelson, the testament of Dom Christian de Chergé, OCSO, and the exhortation of her boss.
In the comments section below, share your own response to today’s scripture, Francl-Donnay’s reflection, or the accompanying meditation prompt.
St. John’s letter warns people about spirits not of God. The Gospel tells how Jesus’ actions showed He was of God. The question is not how to tell if a spirit is from God. The question, for me, is, “Has this spirit stayed with God?” How do I know if a spirit has remained with God? I apply the tincture of time. If I wait long enough, the tincture is as potent as any truth serum. We are all from God. Unfortunately some of us are lulled into apathy, or seduced by the many temptations on offer. Those of us unable to rouse ourselves awake, are still from God, but have walked away to follow the prince of this world. I must remember to bless them- see January 1. My behavior will proclaim more loudly than anything I write, or say, whether I have remained with God. Am I faithful to the end, like the 11 faithful apostles? Am I sharing my time, treasure, talent? Am I loving the other as much as I love myself? Have I given forgiveness as often as I have requested it? Have I withheld final judgement, leaving that to God, as I hope others do for me when my behavior falls short? I hope that if someone applies the tincture of time to me, I may reveal the Truth of the Kingdom. **** Follow the link above to the testament of Christian de Cherge.