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When has darkness helped you to see better?

Memorial of St. John of the Cross, 14 December 2020

In today’s reflection, Waiting in Joyful Hope author Michelle Francl-Donnay reflects on Numbers 24:16b, St. John of the Cross, and how it’s possible to have too many twinkly lights.

In the comments section below, share your own response to today’s scripture, Francl-Donnay’s reflection, or the accompanying meditation prompt.

1 thought on “When has darkness helped you to see better?”

  1. The three of us have discovered the dark spot in Geauga County- Observatory Park. I was awestruck by the number of stars. We went once during a full moon and could see a limited number of stars. The reflected light of the sun off the moon obliterated our view. The next time we went on the night of a new moon. For the first time in my life, I saw the Milky Way. I saw more in the dark than in the light. The same is true in my relationship with God- I seek His wisdom when I cannot “see” His will. I am off to read St. John of the Cross.

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