Divine Mercy Sunday – April 16
Join us Divine Mercy Sunday for a celebration at all of our after-mass Fellowship sessions and to pray the Chaplet together in church at 3:00pm.
Holy Week & Easter
We hope you will join us for the many opportunities to pray and worship together this Holy Week!
Communion Chalice Returning to Mass on Holy Thursday
In November, Bishop Malesic lifted the ban for using communion chalices due to pandemic-related protocols. After consulting with our Parish Worship Committee, Parish Pastoral Council and staff members, we will be reinstating the use of the chalices commencing with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on April 6. We will…
March Charity of the Month
Malachi Center is a non-profit neighborhood empowerment center on the St Malachi property that serves children and families, young adults, and the homeless who struggle with socioeconomic, structural, and trauma-based barriers to personal, academic, and economic thriving. Please find below the list of items they have requested for donation, which…