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Valentine to yourself

Valentine to yourself

Feb 4, 2021

So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.1 Corinthians 13:13 So many times we have heard this Scripture and thought immediately of the love we show to the people around us, or that they show to us. During this month focused on “love,” Sr.…


Fill up on Fridays

Feb 3, 2021

As we look toward a year of overcoming challenges, what better way to recharge your batteries at the end of your work week than to join your faith community in worship and devotion? Mass and Holy Hour will take place on most First Fridays throughout 2021. There will be a…

We need your old palms

We need your old palms

Feb 3, 2021

If you have old palms, we’ll be happy to take them by February 14.  Please drop them off on any Sunday as you enter the church—or bring them to the rectory office during the week.  These palms will be burned and then used for ashes on February 17. 

Ash Wednesday – February 17

Ash Wednesday – February 17

Feb 1, 2021

Mass will be celebrated at 8:00am and 5:30pm on Ash Wednesday, February 17, with the distribution of ashes. Due to Covid, Bishop Malesic has sent special guidelines for the distribution of ashes. In place of a minister marking each forehead with ashes, the priest will administer one blessing over the…