Moral guidelines regarding vaccines and COVID-19
A number of our parishioners have inquired about the moral use of certain vaccines, especially in light of new pharmaceutical advances embracing the use of human embryos or the tissue from aborted children. The Diocese of Cleveland sent clergy some guidance regarding the use of vaccines being developed to battle…
Year-end 50-50 news
Congratulations to Joyce Walsh, who took home $312 in the November drawing. There will be two drawings in December. The first is the usual 50-50 drawing with half the proceeds supporting the parish and half for the happy winner. The second is a drawing for a guaranteed prize of $225,…
A gift for you!
Saint Patrick and Saint Malachi Parishes have purchased a subscription to FORMED.org. All content on this extensive Catholic faith formation platform is free. Just create an account by clicking “Sign Up” and locate Near West Partners as your parish name. You will receive an email with a link to the website, which,…
Restoration Fund drawing
Please be advised that we still intend to conduct the annual drawing on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, at 12:00noon in the presence of the parish leaders and core committee members. All sold tickets must be returned to the parish rectory no later than 11:45am that day. The drawing at noon…