What’s a plenary indulgence?
And how can we obtain it? The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines a plenary indulgence as the “remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church.“ A plenary indulgence (only one per day) may be obtained if we are in the state of grace and the following conditions accompany these…
Month of Remembrance
We will be remembering our beloved deceased again this year in a special way at 8:30 Mass on Sunday, November 8. During the whole month of November we’d like to display pictures of your deceased loved ones in church. Please bring a framed picture to the rectory with your name…
Scavenger hunt winner
Congratulations to GARY O’HARA, the winner of our website grand-reopening trivia scavenger hunt. Thanks also to those who have taken the time to visit and interact with the new site. Our hope is that it will become a useful tool in helping to reinforce our faith community. Is there anything…
Will you pray with us?
We have a group of parishioners who meet on Wednesday mornings at 10:00am to pray for people who are experiencing loss due to death, loss of job or isolation due to COVID. By using Zoom and our computers or tablets, we are able to see faces and hear voices while…