When is an obligation not obligatory?
It might depend on the day of the week. In most years, The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary—celebrated on August 15—is a holy day of obligation for Latin Rite Catholics. However, canon law allows for the conference of bishops in different regions throughout the world to…
Attend the Catholic Women’s Conference
All women are invited to attend the Cleveland Catholic Women’s Live-Streamed Conference, a one-day event for adult women who wish to learn and pray as they grow deeper in their faith. The conference will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2020, from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Inspired by St. Thérèse of…
Picnic in Spirit
Although we can’t meet this year in person for our annual outdoor Mass and parish picnic, why not throw something on the grill this Sunday afternoon, August 9, 2020, in the spirit of this annual gathering? Take a moment to pray for our parish family while enjoying family time today.…
The FEST@Home
Every year at this time, The FEST brings together thousands of people from across our diocese for an amazing day of faith, family and fun. Things are a little different this year for just about everything, including The FEST. Join us on Sunday, August 9, for The FEST@Home. You’ll get…