St. Patrick’s Day Success
Thank you to the approximately 600 people who attended the Mass celebrating our patronal feast and to the many, many people who worked so hard to make the event possible! Our Restoration Committee worked so hard to bring back this event after the pandemic and all of Cleveland deeply appreciates…
Creation Care news
Weekly Lenten reflection: God’s covenant is a two-way relationship. God gives land to Abram and his descendants. In return, God expects that we be good stewards of it. See weekly reflections and suggested actions here. Please join us on our next Litter Pilgrimage! Lenten Lament for Creation at St Pat’s: Wednesday,…
Consolation Team
Our parish Consolation Team is here to offer support. You may have been separated, experienced illness or suffered expected or unexpected loss of loved ones. Would you like to pray and talk with someone during these challenging times? Christians live and journey together, supporting one another. Please contact Kathy Wadowick,…
Want to get more involved?
Volunteers are needed to help with these parish activities.