2-Day Town Hall Meeting
June 12th & June 19th 6:30-8:30PM Please join us to hear the progress of our 8 Working Groups for the Parish Collaboration effort! A town hall meeting will take place over two dates, June 12th and June 19th from 6:30-8:30PM at St. Malachi in the lower hall. The presentation will…
Afternoon of Adoration for Corpus Christi – June 2nd
CORPUS CHRISTI SUNDAY Next Sunday, June 2nd we will celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi. We will have Adoration in the church after the 11:00am Mass until 6:00pm. We’ll say the Rosary at 5:00 and have a final Benediction at 5:45pm. If you would like to host a half-hour of…
Memorial Day Mass
MEMORIAL DAY MASS A joint Memorial Day Mass with St. Malach and St. Patrick Parishes will be celebrated at Saint Patrick Church on Monday, May 27, at 9:00am. Both Parish offices will be closed this day for the national holiday. May God bless those who have died in service of our country.
Pentecost Weekend – May 18-19
Saturday, May 18th – Please note that May 18th we will have a joint mass with St. Malachi to celebrate the Pentecost Vigil at the end of the Easter Season. There will be one Mass at St. Patrick at 4:30pm. Sunday, May 19th – Because the route of the Cleveland…